Bug Tracking Ethical Hacking and Pentesting Hacking Tools Information Security Reporting Software Engineering Software Security Visual Studio C#
HPE MicroFocus Fortify SCA and SSC Bug Tracker Integration with Visual Studio Online / Team Foundation Server

You can follow the steps below to open a bug directly to the visual studio online or team foundation server bug tracking management via the Fortify SCA tool or SSC Portal.
Step 1 : Open “Fortify SCA Audit Workbench” tool with your scanned project (FPR) and select “Select Bugtracker” options from “Tools” menu as shown below
Step 2: Select any bug and right click with mouse. It will bring up new menu with “File Bug” options in then select it
Step 3: Now , new popup configuration screen will shown. You must fill here with your project settings. Our settings like shown below
Step 4: If you filled with correct values, it will try to connect your project space and if everything is OK with connection, it will promt for your credentials
Sub-Note: If you have a problem when connecting to Visual Stduio Online, you may need make some changes on Visual Studio Online – Profile Security options like below
#1 First click your account name or logo, then select “Security” option from menu
#2 Select “Alternate Authentication Credentials” from options and check “Enable alternate authentication credentials” from right panel. Give a strong password then save.
Step 5: If you completed all steps above without any error, Bug Tracking Form will be bring up. Fill as you wish then click “Submit” to sent VSO system.
Step 6: Go to your visual studio online project (Ex: https://yoursecteam.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/fortifyscaproject) and select “Work” tab then select “Queries” option.
Sub-Note: Since the error has not yet been assigned to any person, we’ll edit the query script here so that it shows up all bugs
Step 7: Now click “Editor” tab and delete “Assigned To” parameter and save query again. This will show up all records.
Step 8: Almost finished, let’s check it now. Click “Result” tab and you should see your bug work item.
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